And so it begins - again

Welcome to my new home! 

This is a far cry from my very first website which I published in 1998 after taking a night class at a technical college.  Everyone else was making family photo albums, but I wanted to put my calligraphy out there to see what would happen.  At that time you didn't have a website unless you were a big corporation, so who was I to think I could sell my stuff this way?  It took exactly one week after I uploaded my site.  A bride from California emailed me and asked me to address her envelopes!  I was stunned!  And that was only the beginning. At that time I still called myself 'Calligraphy by Debi', but in 2001, I quit my full time job in corporate retail and The Blooming Quill was born.

From that meager site I graduated to a template website.  It was cool at the time, and I could do it myself (which made me pretty cool too!) But now it's time for a change.  Actually I've been thinking about a change for about 5 years but have not had the inspiration to do it.  My son-in-law Justin Hoffman was hired by IAMPETH to do their website, I love that site so much that I hired him to do mine too!  I did the artwork at the top, Justin and his team did the rest.  It's wonderful, and very easy to change out the words and pictures, so I hope to keep this up to date.

I love art - I've been doing some form of it as long as I can remember.  I was always the 'kid who could draw' in school.  But nothing has been as passionate for me as pointed pen calligraphy. I love my pens. I love my ink. I love paper.  God has not only given me a great talent, but He's pointed me on the path of using it and constantly developing it. I have met some of the most wonderful people as a result of it.

In my next post I'll talk about my inspiration.  That could go on and on.....

Yours till the ink disappears from the paper,